
Granado espada bot report count
Granado espada bot report count

granado espada bot report count granado espada bot report count

When regular players play the game and grind, they will also undoubtedly camp at spawn. Most people are angry at AFK-AAs for camping and killing a spawn repeatedly for long hours and therefore inhibiting their ability to level. I will try to cover as many negative points that people throw out as I possibly can, among other potential issues. Now let’s address the most common issues. Grinding (in respect to the topic) - The process of engaging in the repetitive task of killing monsters to level up.AFK-AA - Abbreviation for AFK auto attackers.Auto attacking (in respect to the topic) - The holding down of the “attack” key with the use of an object.Botting = The use of an illegal third party software to play the game on a persons behalf and provide an unfair advantage in terms of gameplay.Terms you need know before you continue reading: Now before reading this I will tell you that the facts I am going to present will heavily support AFK farming, but my argument will not encourage or discourage this. I am writing this article to address and clear the air on the legality of AFK auto attacking. I see that there has been a lot of debate regarding AFK auto attacking.

Granado espada bot report count